This website serves as both an archive and a shrine dedicated to Yuuya Kizami and Sakutaro Morishige from the horror RPG franchise, Corpse Party. Below is more information regarding the original source material, the characters, and more.
Corpse Party is a survival horror franchise created by Makoto Kedoin and developed by Team GrisGris. The story revolves around students and their attempts to overcome and resist surrender to the environment of its setting, Heavenly Host Elementary, and an affliction known as the Darkening.
The Darkening is an important mechanic throughout the series of Corpse Party, both as a ludic and narrative element; which preys upon and exacerbates a victim's negative emotions throughout their entrapment in Heavenly Host Elementary.
Several characters throughout the series have been affected to varying degrees, either from a particular sensitivity to the paranormal, or simply an inability to cope with their current circumstance.
Of those who find themselves in Heavenly Host, most react in a panic from the ever-looming threat of death. However, there are two characters who manage to keep a calm and collected head amongst their respective groups— almost too calm and collected.
Yuuya Kizami— who used his entrapment as an excuse to perpetrate a series of murders— and Sakutaro Morishige— who delighted in the gore of Heavenly Host.
This website focuses on these two characters for their roles throughout the narrative of Corpse Party as tools to navigate the Darkening, both implicitly and explicitly. They stand out for their shared detachment from humanity, while being so decidedly and utterly human; their struggles with apathy, resentment, acceptance, and loneliness all culminating into a tragic, bittersweet end— their last waltz.
Further reading on their individual characters and their dynamic can be found here.
As per the nature of Corpse Party itself, the content of this website falls under Ero-guro with a heavy emphasis on blood, gore, and body horror. Other themes that are commonly depicted include:
- suicide and suicidal ideation
- self-injury
- child neglect and abuse
- animal abuse and death
- discussions of the sexualization present in the original source material
Viewer discretion is advised.
@goreshitrushi2 / dissectiongirl
Hi, I'm Sasha! I've been into Corpse Party since late 2019; first introduced through reading Kizami and Morishige's wiki pages. One is a serial killer, the other is a gore obsessed freak— I knew right then and there, they would be my favorites.
Now years later, they've been my favorite characters of all time, with my obsession driving me to create this fansite to put together my and other's work. This website also simply serves as a space for me to freely display my love and passion for these two!