27th of August, 2023


Front and back of the shirt in order...

I purchased this wonderful shirt from きたとむ, an artist who was a fellow Kizami x Morishige connoisseur. They were responsible for a lot of fanwork, including a fair amount of doujinshi (one of which I own!) I was insanely fortunate to obtain this shirt as it was one of the last left in stock... along with what remained of their available doujinshi. Both items are definitely prized possessions of mine (though, I would have loved to have collected the rest ;_;)

I have yet to actually wear this shirt out of fear of ruining the print, but I plan on wearing it to a convention later this year. It would be my third year cosplaying Morishige at this convention, and my partner will be cosplaying Kizami as well— here's to hoping we get recognized.

I had never really been one to buy merchandise for franchises I'm interested in, but I honestly believe the lack of official merchandise for Corpse Party (let alone of Kizami and Morishige) drove me to amass as much as I could find. Of course, it drove me to create my own as well. Now, I've managed to put together an entire itabag, and still could build a physical shrine of all the merchandise that couldn't fit in said bag. I would like to do a sort of "tour" of my itabag eventually since much of it was fan-made.

Close up of the print on the back.